we wholesale fashion clothes as design from italy , france , new york , london , the brands of Marc jocbo , Bcbg, Dkny , Chloe, BeBe, cachrine xxxxx(we have more than 10000 models for winter season) ,We also wholesale bags and handbags of LV, Fendi, Chloe, Balenciaga, Guccixxxxx
Although they are replica , they are high quality ( Super A and super AAA bags ). So you will spend a little to get the high quality goods. We just want to be honest and do business with those serious persons. Welcome the serious shopkeeper all over the world to contact us, We're looking forward to establish long and reliable business relations with those serious buyers.our website
http://myshop.21flat.com ( in english version) tel: 0086-13662262814 annesui1978@yahoo,com,cn |